ELEKTRIM CANTONI MOTORS,Elektrim Cantoni Foot Mounted IEC Motors-dirancang untuk memenuhi standar internasional dan merupakan motor pengganti untuk aplikasi luar negeri dan komponen mesin. Nilai ganda 60/50Hz dari stok, motor rangka Elektrim IEC menawarkan impregnasi tekanan vakum untuk kinerja elektrik yang optimal, bantalan besar di kedua ujungnya untuk sambungan langsung, perlindungan IP55, Pilih dari pemasangan B3, B35, B34 atau B34/1 untuk mengganti atau mengimpor dalam berbagai aplikasi mulai dari pompa, konveyor, kipas, dan lainnya. Motor Metrik Elektrim yang lebih besar, hingga 400HP, juga tersedia berdasarkan permintaan.
Elektrim Cantoni Foot Mounted IEC Motors
- Inverter Duty Rated: 5:1CT & 10:1VT at 460V 60 Hz
- Service Factor: up to 1.2 at 460V 60 Hz
- Design: “N” or “H”
- Protection Degree: IP55
- Enclosure: TEFC
- High lock rotor torque
- VPI process applied for best electrical performance
- IEC132 frame and larger suitable for Y/Delta starting
- Electromagnetic compatibility standards: EN 50081-1(2) and EN 50082-1(2)
- Nameplate rated 230/460V 60 Hz and 380/400V 50 Hz
- 575V and other ratings available upon request
- Oversized ball bearings on both ends for direct coupling
- Class “F” insulation
- Junction box equipped with glands
- F3 mounting position
- Drilled and tapped end shaft
- Drain plugs
- Bidirectional fan
- All motors provided with CE mark
Elektrim Cantoni Flange Mounted IEC Motors
- Inverter Duty Rated: 5:1CT & 10:1VT at 460V 60 Hz
- Service Factor: up to 1.2 at 460V 60 Hz
- Design: “N” or “H”
- Protection Degree: IP55
- Enclosure: TEFC
- High lock rotor torque
- VPI process applied for best electrical performance
- IEC132 frame and larger suitable for Y/Delta starting
- Electromagnetic compatibility standards: EN 50081-1(2) and EN 50082-1(2)
- Nameplate rated 230/460V 60 Hz and 380/400V 50 Hz
- 575V and other ratings available upon request
- Oversized ball bearings on both ends for direct coupling
- Class “F” insulation
- Junction box equipped with glands
- F3 mounting position
- Drilled and tapped end shaft
- Drain plugs
- Bidirectional fan
- All motors provided with CE mark
- Warranty: 3-Years
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